
KG Section

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Creating happy, healthy, content and competent children, we at NVN provide our students explore lots of hands on activities which make learning fun and at that same time create a stress-free atmosphere in the classrooms.

Learning is effective when it is child centered, holistic and fun, an wholesome experience for the learners.

We have been focusing on inculcating the 4 Cs - skills of communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking through different activities. We focus on inter- disciplinary learning experiences across all languages of learning. The overall aim is to provide children with a balanced development in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects.

Apart from the acquisition of academic knowledge, children also equip themselves with other life skills, such as self-care skills, communicative skills, social skills, etc. so as to enable themselves to adapt to society. It is through direct life experiences, sensory perception and interesting activities that children develop good habits, establish confidence in themselves and in other people, comprehend things around them, as well as live up to social expectations.

The tiny tots are welcomed by our team of loving, passionate and dedicated team of educators who understand the temperament of their students and mold them towards becoming good citizens and imbibe good values and attitudes. Our teachers always strike towards creating a very pleasurable learning environment which enhances children’s initiative and involvement in learning, as well as stimulate their creative and imaginative power.

Our classrooms are also well designed with child-friendly colourful furniture, ample space and storage for each child’s belongings, smart classes which accelerate the learning curve and provide a memorable learning experience.

Daily activities like circle time, nature walk, activity centre time and feedback sessions benefit the children manifold. The snack times are very special where the teachers share special stories with moral values and good habits based on real life experiences. Displays of the students’ work leads the children to take pride in their efforts and indirectly encourages them to become more confident and independent.

Group activities are given more importance as the children learn to work in their peer circles and also understand each other. These sessions are challenging for the educators but the end results are worth the efforts.

Special focus is given to all types of learners. Enrichment areas are set up in the classrooms for the children who complete their work quickly where they can be challenged with higher order thinking activities like puzzles, story books, etc so that the educator can spare some time to ensure the progress of the rest of the class as well.

Weekend classes are arranged for remedial teaching and guiding the parents for the betterment of the student’s learning.

Safety of the children is of utmost importance at all times on the campus as well as enroute to and fro their homes. Our educators are supported by well-trained support staff who are always in the class with the children and also accompany them in the buses.

All in all … a very effective and enterprising experience!