Page 18 - ABHIVYAKTI - VOL 4.1
P. 18

Dear Readers of Abhivyakti, Cordial Greetings!

           Education for all to empower our communities should be the broad aim of our
           educationists. Our country’s progress depends solely on professionals created by the temples
           of education… My association of 35 years with DPS Fraternity as a learner & teacher has
           continually enriched me to learn, connect, and to belong. Each child’s progress needs to be

           addressed and recognised for the unique talents they bring to our schools. We firmly believe
           that  education  is  not  only  the  greatest  equalizer,  but  also  the  springboard  for  everyone's
           success and prosperity.

           Mission  &  Vision  of  all  concerned  to  educate  students  who  are  globally  minded,
           compassionate,  self-assured,  and  kind.  Students  will  be  academically  competent,  fluent  in
           multiple  languages,  accomplished  writers  and  communicators,  artistically  driven  and
           knowledgeable,  scientifically  aware  and  trained,  emotionally  resilient,  physically  fearless,

           generous of spirit and skill, and leaders who know when and how to follow. Above all, we
           want our students to be designers of their own lives and of a better world for others, because
           it's only when we risk going too far that we discover how far we can go. In our society,
           teaching  is  regarded  as  one  of  the  most  valuable  professions,  an  environment  that  values
           their uniqueness while also encouraging their participation in the community.

           Every teacher should have the opportunity to improve her/his skills, start their own initiatives,
           and thrive both personally and professionally.

           Our  mentors  must  be  hardworking  and  well-educated  professionals.  As  a  team,  we  are
           always  looking  for  better  ways  to  educate  young  minds.  We  create  and  personalize

           curriculum  to  ensure  that  it  is  relevant,  engaging,  and  challenging  for  each  student.  We
           strengthen  areas  of  strength,  support  areas  of  weakness,  and  care  for  each  learner's
           emotional,  social,  and  physical  well-being.  Parental  involvement  is  a  significant  factor  in
           student  success.  Our  community  will  surely  be  strengthened  by  the  diverse  languages,
           cultures,  and  experiences  of  our  parents.  Parent-Teacher  Interaction  Meetings  (PTIMs)  in
           particular is an important forum for connecting as a community.

                                                                   With best wishes

                                                                   Mr. S. K. Verma

                                                             (Former Principal DPS)

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